时间:3月19日(周六) 晚 20:00
魏兵教授 在线直播
提高采收率 学术交流
魏兵 教授
- 国内外页岩油提高采收率领域研究进展
- 低场核磁共振在EOR的研究概述
- 一维核磁共振在驱替、渗吸的应用案例
- D-T2、 T1–T2等二维核磁技术原理及应用案例
- Characterizing Pore-level Oil Mobilization Processes in Unconventional Reservoirs assisted by State-of-the-Art Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technique.Energy 2021.(SCI,EI/IF:7.147)
- Visualization of CO2 Foam Generation, Propagation and Sweep in a Complex 2D Heterogeneous Fracture Network[J]. Fuel 2021.(SCI,EI/IF:6.609)
- Design and Fabrication of Anionic/Cationic Surfactant Foams Stabilized by Liginin-Cellulose Nanofibrils (LCNFs) for Enhanced Oil Recovery[J]. Energy & Fuels.2021.(SCI,EI/IF:3.605)
- Effectiveness and sensitivity analysis of solution gas re-injection in Baikouquan tight formation, Mahu sag for enhanced oil recovery.Petroleum, 2020.(SCI,EI/IF:4.090)
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Monitoring of Mass Exchange in a Low Permeability Matrix-Fracture Model during CO2 Cyclic Injection: A Mechanistic Study. SPE Journal,2019.(SCI,EI/IF:3.478)
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Mapping of Remaining Oil Distribution in Sequential Rate Waterflooding Processes for Improving Oil Recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2020.(SCI,EI/IF:4.346)
- Colind Wood. Pore-scale Monitoring of CO2 and N2 Flooding Processes in a Tight Formation under Reservoir Conditions using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR): A Case Study. Fuel, 2019.(SCI,EI/IF:6.609)
- Recent advances of surfactant-stabilized N2/CO2 foams in enhanced oil recovery. Fuel,2019.(SCI,EI/IF:6.609)
图:David Sinton对魏教授成果评价
审稿意见:本篇文章对本领域科学研究以及石油界更深入(better understand)的理解CO2提高致密油藏采收率机理具有重要意义。(SPE Journal, 2019, 25, 440-450. 石油领域内权威期刊)I believe this paper can contribute to the current knowledge in the field and help the petroleum industry to better understand the CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery.
3.Clement Sanchez(欧洲科学院院士,法国巴黎第六大学教授,获法国材料和冶金协会最高奖)
图:Clement Sanchez对魏教授成果评价
图:Hiroyuki Yano对魏教授成果评价
图:Qinglin Wu对魏教授成果评价